Understanding restriction of range with Shiny!

I made this: https://emilkirkegaard.shinyapps.io/Understanding_restriction_of_range/ Source: # ui.R shinyUI(fluidPage(   titlePanel(title, windowTitle = title),     sidebarLayout(     sidebarPanel(       helpText("Get an intuitive understanding of restriction of range using this interactive…

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Is the summed cubes equal to the squared sum of counting integer series?

https://twitter.com/standupmaths/status/524470545199673344 R can tell us: DF.numbers = data.frame(cubesum=numeric(),sumsquare=numeric()) #initial dataframe for (n in 1:100){ #loop and fill in   DF.numbers[n,"cubesum"] = sum((1:n)^3)   DF.numbers[n,"sumsquare"] = sum(1:n)^2 } library(car) #for the…

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Paper: Musical beauty and information compression: Complex to the ear but simple to the mind? (Nicholas J Hudson)

I was researching a different topic and came across this paper. I was rewatching the Everything is a remix series. Then i looked up som mor relevant links, and came…

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