Romaer o diskirminasjon

Rapport: Romaer ofre for omfattende diskrimination i Europa

I otte europæiske lande sætter myndighederne roma-børn i specialskoler for mentalt handicappede. Tvangsforflyttelser af romaer foregår ofte i eksempelvis Rumænien, Frankrig og Italien. Og fra 2008 til 2012 var der mere end 120 voldsomme angreb på den udsatte befolkningsgruppe i blandt andet Ungarn og Tjekkiet.

Sådan lyder nogle af beretningerne i en ny og omfattende rapport fra Amnesty International, der for første gang har fået et egentlig overblik over diskriminationen af romaer i Europa.

Nuvæl er romaerne ekke særli kvikke, så de gir meneng at mange a deres børn havner på skoler for mæntalt handikappede.

Jaj hænviser tel:

Rushton, J. Philippe, Jelena Čvorović, and Trudy Ann Bons. “General mental ability in South Asians Data from three Roma (Gypsy) communities in SerbiaIntelligence 35.1 (2007): 1-12.

To examine whether the Roma (Gypsy) population of Serbia, like other South Asian population groups, average lower than
Europeans on g, the general factor of intelligence, we tested 323 16- to 66-year-olds (111 males; 212 females) in three different
communities over a two-year-period on the Raven’s Colored and/or Standard Progressive Matrices and four measures of executive
function. Out of the total of 60 Matrices, the Roma solved an average of 29, placing them at the 3rd percentile on 1993 U.S. norms,
yielding an IQ equivalent of 70. On the executive function tests, the Roma averaged at about the level of Serbian 10-year-olds. The
Matrices showed a small mean sex difference favoring males. External validity was demonstrated by correlating the scores on
Matrices with measures such as cranial capacity (r=0.13, Pb0.01), spousal similarity (r=0.17, Pb0.05), age at birth of first child
(r=0.26, Pb0.01), number of offspring (r=−0.20, Pb0.01), and responsible social attitudes (r=0.10, Pb0.05). Comparisons
with extant data showed that items found difficult or easy by the Roma were those found difficult or easy by White, Indian,
Colored, and Black South African 14- to 16-year-olds and by Black South African undergraduates (rs=0.90). There was no
evidence of any idiosyncratic cultural effect. Instead, Roma/non-Roma differences were found to be most pronounced on g. This
was shown by item-total correlations (estimates of the item’s g loading), which predicted the magnitude of Roma/non-Roma
differences on those same items, regardless of from which sample the item-total correlations were calculated, and by confirmatory
factor analysis. The results indicate the remarkable cross-cultural generalizability of item properties across South Asians,
Europeans, and sub-Saharan Africans and that these reflect g more than culturally specific ways of thinking.

Keywords: General factor; Cross-cultural; Progressive matrices