Why are there so few women and Blacks in some fields? And so many Asians?

Joseph Bronski and I have a new study out: Bronski, J., & Kirkegaard, E. O. W. (2024). Diversity in STEM: Merit or Discrimination via Inaccurate Stereotype? OpenPsych, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.26775/OP.2024.03.05 Leslie…

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Review: Making sense of heritability

Download: http://www.libgen.net/search.php?search_type=magic&search_text=making+sense+of+heritability&submit=Dig+for   This is a GREAT book, which goes down to the basics about heritability and the various claims people have made against it. Highly recommended. Best book of…

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Paper: Evolutionary Psychology and Feminism (David Michael Buss & David P. Schmitt)

Evolutionary Psychology and Feminism 2011   Abstract This article provides a historical context of evolutionary psychology and feminism, and evaluates the contributions to this special issue of Sex Roles within…

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Regarding ‘black studies’ and the academic left’s crazy political correctness

Just a collection of links. She was right about black studies. http://chronicle.com/blogs/brainstorm/the-most-persuasive-case-for-eliminating-black-studies-just-read-the-dissertations/46346 Her point holds for feminism as well. http://richarddawkins.net/articles/823 Follow-up from the writer: http://chronicle.com/blogs/brainstorm/black-studies-part-2-a-response-to-critics/46401 She gets fired: http://chronicle.com/blogs/brainstorm/a-note-to-readers/46608 Comments…

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