Which countries make the best movies?
In a simple sense, the answer is America. But America has over 300 million people, and other countries have fewer than 10 million people. Which country makes the best movies…
In a simple sense, the answer is America. But America has over 300 million people, and other countries have fewer than 10 million people. Which country makes the best movies…
There's a few findings that no one seems to have integrated, so this is my attempt. First off, women are higher in neuroticism than men. Neuroticism can generally be described…
Were you curious about the actual works by the much maligned Richard Lynn? Fear not, we have a new memorial site up with most of his works accessible. https://richardlynn.net/ This…
Joseph Henrich published two books based on the Hajnal line or WEIRD (Western Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) personality cluster idea (The Secret of Our Success 2016; The WEIRDest People in…
There is a 1949 science fiction novel (Project Mars: A Technical Tale) about how to build a Mars colony, and it includes this part: Amazing, it was written by none…
Central to the decline of the West and now almost all high income countries is that they have too low fertility. Just a reminder from the prior post: Why the…
The anti-boomer story goes like this: There was upon a time a happy, functional western civilization. Then came one generation who voted for a lot of welfare increases. The same…
The recent Trump executive order on sex and gender spurred some debate about the intricacies of biology of sex. Here's the relevant part: Sec. 2. Policy and Definitions. It is…
Some time ago I read Bradley Campbell's The Geometry of Genocide: A Study in Pure Sociology. Like his other books, it's short, to the point, and well worth reading. First,…
There's two uses of this common word: Fear or anxiety of something. Dislike of some group, usually left-wing aligned. The first is the original as it is just the Greek…