(KK)If one knows that p, then one knows that one knows that p.
A0is the proposition that 1+1=2.
A1is the proposition that Emil knows that 1+1=2.
A2is the proposition that Emil knows that Emil knows that 1+1=2.
Anis the proposition that Emil knows that Emil knows that … that 1+1=2.
Where “…” is filled by “that Emil knows” repeated the number of times in the subscript of A.
1. Assumption for RAA
For any proposition, P, and any person, x, if x knows that P, then x knows that x knows that P.
2. Premise
Emil knows that A0.
3. Premise
There is a set, S1, such that A0belongs to S1, and A1belongs to S1, and … and Anbelongs to S1, and the cardinality of S1is infinite, and S1is identicla to SA.
4. Inference from (1), (2), and (3)
For any proposition, P, if P belongs to SA, then Emil knows that P.
5. Premise
It is not the case that, for any proposition, P, if P belongs to SA, then Emil knows that P.
6. Inference from (1-5), RAA
It is not the case that, for any proposition, P, and any person, x, if x knows that P, then x knows that x knows that P.
Proving it
Proving that it is valid formally is sort of difficult as it requires a system with set theory, predicate logic with quantification over propositions. The above sketch should be enough for whoever doubts the formal validity.