Translating “x believe(s) in y” into “x believes that z”

For some reason some people get these wrong.

Phrase Translated phrase
“I believe in God” “I believe that God exists”
“I do not believe in God” “I do not believe that God exists” or “I believe that God does not exist”
“I believe in faries” “I believe that faries exists”
“I do not believe in faries” “I do not believe that faries exist” or “I believe that faries does not exist”
“I believe in souls” “I believe that souls exists”
“I do not believe in souls” “I do not believe that souls exist” or “I believe that souls does not exist”

And so on for a great deal of other concrete entities. However for abstract objects it becomes more difficult to translate into believe-that phrases. Consider:

I believe in democracy

What are we to translate this into? Some ideas:

I believe that democracy is good

I believe that democracy is the best

Other examples include:

I believe in freedom of speech

I believe in myself

I believe in you (this does not mean anything similar to the above even though the phrases are quite similar, the object of belief is a personal pronoun)

I believe in love

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