PHD thesis: Establishing offshore autonomous communities: current choices and their proposed evolution (Miguel Lamas Pardo)

Miguel-Lamas-Establishment-of-Autonomous-Ocean-Communities-English FIXD

Found via the Seasteading Institute Blog.


“Establishment of autonomous ocean communities: current options and their future
Dissertation presented as a requirement to obtain a Doctoral Degree in Naval Architecture
and Ocean Engineering.
The idea of establishing floating cities in the oceans has been addressed in the past within the
ambition of both science and art, though rarely with rigor or detail.
The objective of this dissertation is to provide an orderly framework around this idea as to
why humanity has sought out to establish such cities. To this end, we have established a more
ample definition to the term “Oceanic Colonization” which we define as “The establishment of
autonomous communities in the oceans aboard artificial platforms”. Additionally, we distinguish
four forms of ocean colonization for four distinct purposes: 1) to expand landholdings; 2) to
provide mobile settlements; 3) to allow for semi-permanent mobile settlements in order to have
access to marine resources; 4) and for the creation of micronations. It is this fourth concept that
will serve as a departing point to review the whole idea of oceanic colonization.
Thus, the objective of this dissertation is to analyze all the possible options (both present and
future) permissible within the scope of Naval Architecture and Oceanic Engineering for the
establishment of autonomous offshore oceanic communities which would allow for the creation of
oceanic micronations. At the same time, we shall try to project the evolution of the other three
forms of oceanic colonization.

Sustainable Energy Production: wind, solar, photovoltaic, geothermic, tidal, marine currents,

OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, which produces fresh water as a by-product). These

sources can be located on the platform itself or on “satellite” platforms around the colony.


one annoying and recurring feature is that the author does not mention nuclear power. it is especially strange given that Russia is already building floating reactors – with excess energy production, not just using it for its own propulsion. nuclear energy is surely the future. the fuel can also be extracted from seawater (uranium, thorium).





Oasis of the Seas

This vessel was commissioned by Royal Caribbean international in February 2006 and

launched in late 2008. It set a new record, accommodating over 6,000 passengers. It is also the

first ship to incorporate the concept making a cruise ship with seven themed areas called

neighborhoods45, a concept similar to that used in the planning of theme parks, providing

passengers with a wide variety of experiences based on their personal preferences and styles. in

this sense, it is practical concrete application of a themed cruises, but in this case seven different

themes opposed to the single themed cruise ships mentioned earlier.


crazy. 6000 passengers?!



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