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Killing Hollywood and Youtube and

So you’ve seen stuff like this:

There’s an endless such number of photos, nearly literally. AI will generate these on the fly for any content you desire. So since a video is just a set of photos in the right order, AI will soon be able to generate videos too. Right now, attempts at this mainly make short videos like this one:

In this video, I utilized artificial intelligence to generate an animated music video for the song Canvas by Resonate. This tool allows anyone to generate beautiful images using only text as the input. My question was, what if I used song lyrics as input to the AI, can I make perfect music synchronized videos automatically with the push of a button? Let me know how you think the AI did in this visual interpretation of the song.

This was made 10 months ago (May 2022) which is practically 5 years in AI time. But this kind of creation is already far above what most humans could do, even given infinite time on the task.

The current AIs need a lot of human prompts for the content ideas, style etc., but that will change. Eventually, you will just tell the AI to write a whole movie script, and then make the entire movie. You don’t need actors, you don’t need directors, you don’t need camera crews, you don’t need studies. You don’t need Hollywood. So based on this idea, we can forecast the decline of the movie industry. This is big deal because the movie industry is large and powerful. Also a lot of jobs:

It is difficult to provide an exact number of people who work in Hollywood, as the entertainment industry is constantly evolving, and the term “Hollywood” can encompass a variety of roles and professions. Hollywood includes not only film and television production, but also music, video games, digital media, and more.

Some of the roles in the entertainment industry include actors, directors, producers, screenwriters, composers, visual effects artists, animators, sound designers, makeup artists, costume designers, and many others. Additionally, there are support roles, such as agents, managers, publicists, and legal professionals, who contribute to the industry.

While it’s difficult to provide an exact number, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 2020, there were about 456,000 jobs in the motion picture and sound recording industries. However, this number does not encompass all the roles and professions related to Hollywood. [GPT4]

In terms of the US economy, it is not a large part. GPT4 tells me it is about 0.15%, so killing it off wouldn’t do much to the overall economy, but it certainly would do something to the self-image of America as an exporter of global culture. Why buy American-made movies, when you can have new movies made in your own language and with culturally appropriate themes? I think China would certainly love this, as they already heavily censor foreign movies. You don’t need to do that anymore, just make local ones with AI for the Chinese market with correct pro-CCP messages.

In fact, China, Iran, Russia etc. are not the only authoritarian regimes that will benefit from this technology, it will also be a boon to Western countries. Long have they stood in the shadow of American-made movies causing large declines in their own cultural productions, as even their own bands sing in English in an attempt at an international breakthrough. With AI generated content, even tiny Denmark can watch stellar new movies in Danish. If some movie in English does go viral, just ask the AI to make a similar one in Danish with appropriate Danish themes. This will allow these little brother Western countries to reclaim their own cultural domain as it existed before World War 2.

From a political perspective, the downfall of Hollywood would also see a large decline in celebrity culture and export. Teenage girls are becoming trans because they see mentally ill celebrities becoming trans and talking about how cool trans is. That won’t last. There won’t be any celebrities with AI made movies. Every character can be unique from movie to movie, no starlets whose career teenage girls can look up to. AI-made characters never age, so one can do a billion James Bond movies with long-dead actors, or entirely new one. There are no limits.

With the decline of celebrities, their nefarious influence over culture will also disappear. There won’t need to be books like this one anymore:

Of course, eventually just about all books would be AI-made too. But presumably books will go out of fashion as AI will just generate up to date content on the flow, books are outdated before human authors even finish writing them.

From an anti-Woke perspective, then, the imminent rise of AI movies is probably a blessing. Conservatives who take over some Western country could simply dictate that movies must again be made in their own language with appropriate things. It doesn’t have to be draconian. The local movie industries already receive funding from the government, so the government just has to state that this funding comes with reasonable conditions. The new AI movies will be better too. Humans like to pretend they are special snowflakes, while all the data says not really. And in any case, Hollywood is not exactly a beacon of creativity these days, it’s mostly copypasta movies:

It’s not just feature movies that will be AI-made, it is also Youtube. Youtube will be staffed by different AIs competing for your time and clicks in the same way that current content creators are, only AIs work better and harder.