Paper: Revisiting a 90-year-old debate: the advantages of the mean deviation
Actually im busy doing an exam paper for linguistics class, but it turned out to be not so difficult, so i spent som time on Khan Academy doing probability and…
Actually im busy doing an exam paper for linguistics class, but it turned out to be not so difficult, so i spent som time on Khan Academy doing probability and…
I was researching a different topic and came across this paper. I was rewatching the Everything is a remix series. Then i looked up som mor relevant links, and came…
This conversation followed me posting the post just before, and several people bringing up the same proof. Aowpwtomsihermng = Afraid of what people will think of me, so i had…
I was once at a party, and i was somewhat bored and i found this way of calculating the next square. It works without multiplication, so its suitable for mental…
I just wanted to look up some stuff on the questions that a teacher had posed. Since i dont actually have the book, and since one cant search…
Calculation in the hed finding the next square and finding the meen