Review: The Digital Scholar: How Technology is Transforming Academic Practice (Martin Weller) Someone posted a nice collection of books dealing with the on-going revolution in science: So i decided to read some of them. Ironically, many of them are…

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Review: Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One’s Looking) (Christian Rudder) This good is based on the popular but discontinued OKTrends blog, but now apparently active again becus of the book release. There is some more info in the…

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Review: G Is for Genes: The Impact of Genetics on Education and Achievement (Kathryn Asbury, Robert Plomin) So i kept finding references to this book in papers, so i decided to read it. It is a quick read introducing behavior genetics and the results from…

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Review: Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them (Joshua D. Greene) Years ago when i used to study filosofy, i came across Joshua's website. On the site i found his phd thesis which i read. It is probably the…

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