New paper out: The personal Jensen coefficient does not predict grades beyond its association with g

Found null results for a proposed metric (actually two). In the spirit of publishing failed ideas, I wrote this up. Abstract General intelligence (g) is known to predict grades at…

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Meisenberg’s new book chapter on intelligence, economics and other stuff

G.M. IQ & Economic growth I noted down some comments while reading it. --- In Table 1, Dominican birth cohort is reversed.   “0.70 and 0.80 in world-wide country samples.…

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Is the summed cubes equal to the squared sum of counting integer series? R can tell us: DF.numbers = data.frame(cubesum=numeric(),sumsquare=numeric()) #initial dataframe for (n in 1:100){ #loop and fill in   DF.numbers[n,"cubesum"] = sum((1:n)^3)   DF.numbers[n,"sumsquare"] = sum(1:n)^2 } library(car) #for the…

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Does conscientiousness predict PISA scores at the national level? A cautious meta-analysis

Just a quick write-up before I write up a paper with this for ODP. Introduction Altho general cognitive ability (g) has received the most attention by differential psychologists, personality receives…

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New paper out: Crime, income, educational attainment and employment among immigrant groups in Norway and Finland Abstract I present new predictive analyses for crime, income, educational attainment and employment among immigrant groups in Norway and crime in Finland. Furthermore I show that the Norwegian data…

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