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How to circumvent Facebook’s content censorship using archive

There are some websites that specialize in archiving websites for future reference if deleted or censored. Naturally, these things are often used for political combat to expose old tweets by opponents. For instance, Toby Young had some juicy old tweets that contributed to getting him fired (aside from his observation role at the London Conference on Intelligence!). These can be seen on the two most well known archive pages:

Because one uses another domain when using the archive pages, it does not immediately trigger Facebook’s censor filter (or other tech giants), and thus one can use this feature to bypass the censorship. However, Facebook has manually implemented a filter for this site, so it doesn’t work. We can illustrate that using this American Renaissance link that a friend sent me. First, try the direct link:

And then the WayBack version:

However, there is another archive website. It seems to have no more unique name than archive. It changes domains every now and then, but current it is at The archived link works on Facebook (for now!):