Review: The Digital Scholar: How Technology is Transforming Academic Practice (Martin Weller) Someone posted a nice collection of books dealing with the on-going revolution in science: So i decided to read some of them. Ironically, many of them are…

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Review: G Is for Genes: The Impact of Genetics on Education and Achievement (Kathryn Asbury, Robert Plomin) So i kept finding references to this book in papers, so i decided to read it. It is a quick read introducing behavior genetics and the results from…

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Review: Making sense of heritability

Download:   This is a GREAT book, which goes down to the basics about heritability and the various claims people have made against it. Highly recommended. Best book of…

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Ripping books from UMDL Text: Leta S. Hollingworth’s Gifted children, their nature and nurture Due to this book repeatedly coming up in conversation regarding the super smart people, it seems to be worth reading. It is really old, and should obviously be out…

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Polymaths, freedom of information, and copyright – why we need copyright reform to more effectively increase the number of polymaths

I forgot to mention that i hav riten a post about polymathy and copyriet reform over at Project Polymath. Reposted below. Direct link to post. ---- Introduction Polymaths are people…

Continue ReadingPolymaths, freedom of information, and copyright – why we need copyright reform to more effectively increase the number of polymaths