Book review: A Short History of Humanity: A New History of Old Europe by Johannes Krause

I read this book the other day and it's worth reviewing in some detail. Krause, J., & Trappe, T. (2022). A short history of humanity: A new history of old…

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New paper: On group differences in the heritability of intelligence: A reply to Giangrande and Turkheimer (2022)

So it was finally published, our reply to our frenemies Eric Turkheimer and his student Evan J. Giangrande. For good measure, it's these two guys: The saga begins in 2020:…

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High heritability does mean that social interventions likely won’t work well

The scientific literature is full of claims like this one (Paige Harden 2021): This hereditarian pessimism about the possibility of social change, however, is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of…

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