Paper: Characteristics and Problems of the Gifted neural propagation depth and flow motivation as a model of intelligence and creativity

Characteristics and Problems of the Gifted neural propagation depth and flow motivation as a model of intelligence and creativity I only read this paper because it was recommended to me…

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Relevance of education and intelligence for the political development of nations: Democracy, rule of law and political liberty (Rindermann 2008)

Relevance of education and intelligence for the political development of nations Democracy, rule of law and political liberty     Two relevant effects of education and cognitive ability on politics…

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Simple reaction times: decline since Galton, and consistenly favor men

Some time back I read this post pointing out that simple reaction times have increased since the late 1800's when Galton first measured them. Since simple reaction times are…

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Ripping books from UMDL Text: Leta S. Hollingworth’s Gifted children, their nature and nurture Due to this book repeatedly coming up in conversation regarding the super smart people, it seems to be worth reading. It is really old, and should obviously be out…

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Storbeck, Justin, and Gerald L. Clore. “On the interdependence of cognition and emotion.” Cognition and Emotion 21.6 (2007): 1212-1237.

Storbeck, Justin, and Gerald L. Clore. "On the interdependence of cognition and emotion." Cognition and Emotion 21.6 (2007): 1212-1237. On the interdependence of cognition and emotion The “New Look” in…

Continue ReadingStorbeck, Justin, and Gerald L. Clore. “On the interdependence of cognition and emotion.” Cognition and Emotion 21.6 (2007): 1212-1237.

More reading material about race and intelligence/IQ/g

I hit open a wealth of good reading material: For those who consider it important to know what percentage of the IQ difference is genetic, a methodology that would…

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“I used improper factor analysis, and now there isnt a g factor. Spearman was wrong!”

"I should point out that a number of factor analytic studies of Piagetian tests along with other measures commit an egregious psychological error by orthogonally rotating the factors (or principal…

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