The first admixture mapping study for intelligence
There's a new study out of note: Xia, R., Jian, X., Rodrigue, A. L., Bressler, J., Boerwinkle, E., Cui, B., ... & Fornage, M. (2024). Admixture mapping of cognitive function…
There's a new study out of note: Xia, R., Jian, X., Rodrigue, A. L., Bressler, J., Boerwinkle, E., Cui, B., ... & Fornage, M. (2024). Admixture mapping of cognitive function…
Hand grip strength is a pretty interesting measurement. Fast to do, reliable, and seemingly irrelevant to most of modern life devoid of physical labor. But it turns out to be…
The great David Rozado has a new study out on the politics of Wikipedia: Is Wikipedia Politically Biased?. He downloaded the English Wikipedia database, and analyzed whether the articles covering…
There's a new study out making the rounds, but first I want to divert and ask: Who invented admixture regression? Here I mean the analysis where admixture (ancestry) estimates of…
There's a number of studies that find that egalitarian cultural values correlates with larger not smaller actual measured sex differences. These are the first major studies using large international surveys:…
There's a slogan about Mussolini that, setting aside his faults, he did at least make the trains run on time. Given this one positive statement about Italian fascism, one will…
There's a wide variety of different ways to measure (general) intelligence, or what researchers call g. One can estimate vocabulary size, query about verbal analogies, general knowledge, ask people to…
One of the concerns that conservatives sometimes bring up is that while it is true that using IVF/ART (in vitro fertilization/assisted reproductive technologies) can have a eugenic effect if they…
The essence of my pedagogical program is that in my opinion, every healthy child can be raised to be an outstanding person, in my words, a genius. When we began…
Parent-child similarity is a much studied topic. So much studied that various fields have come up with many different terms for the same thing: intergenerational elasticity, intergenerational persistence, intergenerational mobility…