New study out: Will Intelligent Latter-day Saints and Smart Conservatives Inherit the Earth?

Ed Dutton and I have a new study out: Kirkegaard, E. O. W., & Dutton, E. (2022). Will Intelligent Latter-day Saints and Smart Conservatives Inherit the Earth? Differential Selection for…

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New paper and video out: The Negative Religiousness-IQ Nexus is a Jensen Effect on Individual-Level Data: A Refutation of Dutton et al.’s ‘The Myth of the Stupid Believer’

Dutton, E., & Kirkegaard, E. O. W. (2021). The Negative Religiousness-IQ Nexus is a Jensen Effect on Individual-Level Data: A Refutation of Dutton et al.’s ‘The Myth of the Stupid…

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Nobel prize winners are very unlikely to be religious

This page on Wikipedia claims rather surprisingly that: This list comprises laureates of the Nobel Prize who self-identified as atheist, agnostic, freethinker or otherwise nonreligious at some point in their…

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Measuring scientific knowledge: can we use questions that are denied by the religious?

In reply to and his working paper here: We are discussing his working paper over email, and I had some reservations about his factor analysis. I decided to…

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