Individual genomic admixture and cognitive ability

So, I posted this: Abstract We used data from the PING study (n≈1200) to examine the relationship between cognitive ability, socioeconomic outcomes and genomic racial ancestry. We found that when…

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The general brain factor, working memory, parental income and education, and racial admixture

UNFINISHED ANALYSIS. POSTED HERE TO ESTABLISH PRIORITY. MORE TO FOLLOW! Updated 2015-12-04 Remains to be done: Admixture analysis (doing) Proofreading and editing Deciding how to control for age and scanner…

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Admixture in the Americas: Admixture among US Blacks and Hispanics and academic achievement

Some time ago a new paper came out from the 23andme people reporting admixture among US ethnoracial groups (Bryc et al, 2014). Per our still on-going admixture project (current draft…

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Admixture in the Americas: Introduction, partial correlations and IQ predictions based on ancestry

For those who have been living under a rock (i.e. not following my on Twitter), John Fuerst have been very good at compiling data from published research. Have a look…

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