On genetic potential
During much of human history, it wasn't known that diseases or traits 'ran in families'. In fact, early mentions appear for instance in the 1700s: The recurrence of specific signs…
During much of human history, it wasn't known that diseases or traits 'ran in families'. In fact, early mentions appear for instance in the 1700s: The recurrence of specific signs…
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/875481.Race http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=5624936a816b96dd3e6a4af6808ee69b I had seen references to this book in a number of places which got me curious. I am somewhat hesitant to read older books since I know much…
G.M. IQ & Economic growth I noted down some comments while reading it. --- In Table 1, Dominican birth cohort is reversed. “0.70 and 0.80 in world-wide country samples.…
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1737823.Understanding_Human_History http://gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=Understanding+Human+History&open=0&view=simple&column=def I think Elijah mentioned this book somewhere. I can't find where. The basic idea of the book is to write a history book that does take known population…
Interesting small book that casts light on the use of sterilizations in nordic countries. It shows quite clearly that eugenics has it origin in collectivist and socialist thinking and was…
I hadnt planned on reading this book, just saw a random comment about it on a discussion board. I figured i might as well read it since i found a…