“the claim (of substantial difference in mean) is currently not based on strong evidence”

https://twitter.com/Scientific_Bird/status/1379100080863649807 This kind of claim is very common, even among people who explicitly reject blank slatism. It is odd because there are such results around, and they have been around…

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New paper out: book review of Lynn and Becker’s The Intelligence of Nations (2019)

Kirkegaard, E. O. W. (2019). Solid numbers, missed opportunities: Review of The intelligence of nations. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1037/ebs0000181 ResearchGate I was asked to review this new book written by…

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Paper: R. Lynn and P. Irwing – Sex differences on the Progressive Matrices a meta-analysis

A frend wantd this. It is a reconstruction based on a scan. Som of the tabls ar mising, but it is reedabl. R. Lynn and P. Irwing - Sex differences…

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