Rationality and bias test results
I've always considered myself a very rational and fairly unbiased person. Being aware of the general tendency for people to overestimate themselves (see also visualization of the Dunning-Kruger effect), this…
I've always considered myself a very rational and fairly unbiased person. Being aware of the general tendency for people to overestimate themselves (see also visualization of the Dunning-Kruger effect), this…
BMI (body mass index) is often used a proxy for fat percent or similar measures. This is for a good reason: So, the mean correlation across age groups and gender…
Some quotes from Giving Debiasing Away: Can Psychological Research on Correcting Cognitive Errors Promote Human Welfare? by Scott O. Lilienfeld, Rachel Ammirati, and Kristin Landfield. I was happy to learn…
I recently stumbled upon this profile on OKCupid (her profile, my profile). She is obviously a very bright person and well-read as well. So prominent that i shud have heard…
http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2012/04/thinking-in-foreign-language-makes-decisions-more-rational.ars This surely sounds like one of those dubious psychology experiments. U know the type, the type with a single or perhaps two small experiments that were slightly below p<0.05…
The two goals: 1) having true beliefs, 2) not having false beliefs may seem to be equivalent or something like that, but they in fact result in different optimal strats.…
I found dhe esae from reeding anodher tekst (very komon praktis): http://soundproofsuite1850.blogspot.com/2007/12/book-review-which-way-western-man.html Dhe abov is aktualy orlsoe worth reeding. It is a book revuew of a book with very unpopular…