Book review: Kevin Mitchell’s Innate: How the Wiring of Our Brains Shapes Who We Are (2018)

This is a pretty good book. It covers a lot of basics, and gets almost everything right. Twins, adoptees, genomics are given ample attention. Mitchell is very interesting in developmental…

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New paper out: Country of Origin IQ and Muslim Percentage Predict Grade Point Average in School among 116 Immigrant Groups in Denmark

Kirkegaard, E. O. W., & Fedorov, J. (2021). Country of Origin IQ and Muslim Percentage Predict Grade Point Average in School among 116 Immigrant Groups in Denmark. Mankind Quarterly, 61(3).…

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“the claim (of substantial difference in mean) is currently not based on strong evidence” This kind of claim is very common, even among people who explicitly reject blank slatism. It is odd because there are such results around, and they have been around…

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