Re. Thinking in foreign language makes decisions more rational (Ars Technica) This surely sounds like one of those dubious psychology experiments. U know the type, the type with a single or perhaps two small experiments that were slightly below p<0.05…

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Sweden’s crazy social experiment with gender Read if u dare. These people are I also predict that this will not change sex-based stereotypes. Men and women are simply different due to genetics (and epigenetics etc.).…

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Thoughts about bogus and or pseudoscientific educational/intelligence theories Multiple Intelligences, the Mozart Effect, and Emotional Intelligence A Critical Review Inadequate evidence for Multiple Intelligences, Mozart Effect, and Emotional Intelligence Theories The entire issue of that journal seems…

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More on pomo nonsense - I cudnt find it online due to the dam copyright trolls. - Same with this one. - Noam Chomsky on nonsense pomo. Since no one…

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