Quote from: Everyday Life as an Intelligence Test: Effects of Intelligence and Intelligence Context

gordon-1997-everyday-life-as-an-intelligence-test-effects-of-intelligence-and-intelligence-context (Thanks to this guy for making me aware of the paper) "Take, for example, complaints concerning a Year IV-6 Stanford-Binet item, which shows three pairs of sharply contrasting drawings…

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Review of Jeffrey Dhywood’s World War-D

http://www.amazon.com/against-prohibitionism-roadmap-controlled-re-legalization/dp/0984690409/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1332698625&sr=8-1 http://www.world-war-d.com/ One can support the author by buying 'the book' from his site. This applies for the ebook version as well. Alternatively, one can just click here: World war-D Altho…

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Review of Psychology Applied to Modern Life: ADJUSTMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY

http://www.amazon.com/Psychology-Applied-Modern-Life-Adjustment/dp/1111186634/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1332697052&sr=8-1 I heard of the book from LessWrong. I was reading the series about the science of winning at life by Lukeprog and he recommended this book if one had…

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Recent paper about democracy and self-assessment/Dunning-Kruger

More mainstream article that mentioned the study: http://news.yahoo.com/people-arent-smart-enough-democracy-flourish-scientists-185601411.html The actual paper: A Mathematical Model of Democratic Elections Original Dunning-Kruger paper: unskilledandunaware "Abstract: Democratic election is the preferred method for determining…

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